Forsyte's series character is Inspector Richard Left, one of the humanist policeman detectives of fiction who knows his police procedure but is more apt to rely on his keen understanding of human nature to help him solve the baffling murders he encounters. In his first adventure, Diplomatic Death (1961) he is sent by Scotland Yard to the British embassy in Istanbul to help sort out the puzzling murder and eventual disappearance of the British consul stationed there. He was found in his locked office and only minutes later the corpse vanished without a trace. Left must discover who killed the man and why and how the body disappeared from a locked office without anyone seeing it done. Like Ellery Queen's infamous The Greek Coffin Mystery, a classic detective novel with multiple solutions and one egregious error on the part of Queen, Left comes up with a variety of solutions to the crime and makes an assumption that proves to be his biggest mistake. The solution to this impossible crime is simple and surprising and perhaps obvious to the most astute reader. But the story is told with elegance and wit and carried off with panache. It's a fine debut which made me want to read more by Forsyte.
This debut novel has a lot in common with many of the great writers of the Golden Age. When Diplomatic Death was first published Forsyte was compared to Queen and Christie. A more apt comparison would be Clayton Rawson whose impossible crime mysteries are inspired by stage illusionist's bag of tricks. The murder victim Left learns had an eclectic taste in reading and finds among the books in his office library a copy of The Life of Houdini and a few books by Agatha Christie. Left himself is fascinated with magic since he was a boy, a hobby he shares with his creator Gordon Philo. Similarly, the skill with which the plot is developed and the sprinkling of unusual clues hearkens back to the old-fashioned puzzle mysteries of days gone by. Left will finally come to the final and actual solution to the mystery based on three bizarre elements -- a golf ball left on the victims' desk, the Houdini book, and one witness' remembering at the eleventh hour the rigidity in the murder victim's right arm as they checked him for signs of life.
Left appears again in Dive into Danger (1962), originally published in the UK as Diving Death. This time we find Left on vacation in the south of France where he meets his old archaeologist pal Sir Paul Pallet. They catch up on old times and Left inquires of Pallet about a yacht called the Knossos that has been moored close to his hotel. Pallet tells him on board are a group of amateur underwater archaeologists digging around the ocean floor. He scoffs at the idea of "underwater archeology" as his life's work is one of precision and meticulous time consuming labor. With no real control in an underwater dig site the potential for disaster is far greater. Dermot Wilson, a millionaire playboy with a lot of money to throw around, is nothing more than a treasure hunter. Wilson is looking for proof that an ancient Greek shipwreck will turn up valuable antiquities, statues and artwork. Pallet ridicules the idea. After all these years they'll be lucky to turn up a couple of broken amphora let alone a "valuable statue."
On the next day's dive Left inveigles an invitation to tag along. He meets the crew made up of Wilson and his girlfriend, a former military frogman, two professional archaeologists, and a secretary on holiday who befriended one of the archaeologists. The day goes horrible wrong however, when one of the team seems to have lost consciousness underwater. They drag the body clad in its scuba gear out of the water only to discover that it's the millionaire; a harpoon from a speargun is impaled in his chest. Left sees it as a sort of underwater locked room murder. Soon his vacation has turned into a policeman's holiday as Left finds himself teaming up with local French inspector Philipp Lapointe, learning the fundamentals of scuba diving, and uncovering a murder plot that reveals three previous attempts on Dermot Wilson's life. Why was he so hated and why kill him underwater? As the investigation progresses Left learns that Wilson was a blackmailer of the worst sort who made a lot of enemies and that everyone on board the Knossos had a reason to want Wilson dead.
Forstye's other books include a third detective novel with Inspector Left Double Death (which I have so far been unable to find) and one non-series detective novel with an impossible crime angle called Murder with Minarets in which the authors return to Turkey. Perhaps the most interesting of all his crime fiction books is The Decoding of Edwin Drood (1980). Primarily a literary analysis and history of the numerous writers' attempts from late Victorian era to the 20th century to complete Dicken's unfinished last novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Philo puts his novelists skills to test in the end by adding his own solution. It is this book for which Philo is best known overshadowing his earlier fine work as a novelist. These first examples of modern day impossible crime mysteries should earn him a place in the Detective Novelist Hall of Fame. They really are that good.
Gordon Philo and his wife Vicky Galsworthy (distant relation to writer John Galsworthy whose "Forsyte Saga" novels inspired their pseudonym) wrote only four murder mysteries in tandem. For a brief overview of Philo's life as an amateur magician and an encapsulation of his life as World War 2 veteran, ex-secret agent in the British intelligence service, and his life as a diplomat in Viet Nam see this fascinating post at the blog "The Ephemeral Collector". Devotees of the use of stage magic in detective novels and locked room fans will find a lot to enjoy and admire in these books about Inspector Left, one of mysterydom's decidedly Neglected Detectives from an undeservedly forgotten but damned good writer.
The Detective Novels of Charles Forstye (AKA Gordon Philo & Vicky Galsworthy Philo)
Diplomatic Death (1961)
Diving Death (1962) aka Dive into Danger
Double Death (1965)
Murder with Minarets (1968)
Once again I find myself wishing books such as these were more available to those who don't have the "energy", shall I say, to dig them out of the woodwork, afford them, so we can read them. Well, I enjoyed your review, and I certain;y have more than enough books here, so it's only a passing regret.
ReplyDeleteI am seriously contemplating creating my own reprint line now that I'm no longer associated with Raven's Head Press. These two books deserve a new life as well as about fifteen other books I've tried for decades to get reprinted. Stay tuned for news on that front.
DeleteStay tuned for news on that front.
DeleteInteresting! Please do indeed keep us informed.
I really hope this happens!
DeleteThese both sound very intriguing, John. I'd never heard of this author (now where have I recently heard those words?) until just this moment. But you know how lamentable my mystery fiction education has been. :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely worth a reprint if they're as good as you promise, John. I hope you will be able to do so.
John, this is a very engaging profile of the pseudonymous "Charles Forsyte" and the reviews of their detective novels. I'm a bit surprised that I haven't come across these novels in spite of their publication as recently as in the sixties.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for these engaging descriptions! I know I've seen and I think I may even have read Diving Death back in the late 1960s, perhaps; unsurprisingly, 40+ years later I don't remember much about it! I must keep an eye open for it and the others; they sound great fun.
ReplyDeleteAdd my name to the list of people who hadn't previously heard of Charles Forsyte; it gets harder and harder for anyone to stump me these days, so congratulations! LOL They do sound like they're worth tracking down.
ReplyDeleteI'll wait with great anticipation for any announcement of your publishing plans.
I really hope your repirint plans come to fruition. In the meantime, this is a fascinating post, which told me a lot I didn't know. I read the Drood book a long time ago, and thought it was pretty good, on a par with that by Leon Garfield, which is perhaps more acclaimed. But I've never read the other Forsyte books..
ReplyDeleteThe Inspector Richard Left mysteries sound very good, and your post is very informative. Should I find them, I would definitely like to read them.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of this series before, but of course you had me at the barest mention of JDC! Love the sound of a reprint imprint John, I really hope that works out chum.