
Friday, December 24, 2021

Take Courage, Night's Falling / And You're Not Alone

A bit of holiday music for you as we near the end of 2021. The first is an original tune from Andrew Bird, one of my favorite offbeat musicians who often plucks away on his violin like it was a ukulele (as he does on this track from his Christmas album "Hark!") and whistles beautifully.  He also hails from Chicago, though I don't think he lives here anymore.

The other comes from an ancient (well, only circa 1955, but it feels ancient) Christmas record that my parents once owned and that I listened to repeatedly while growing up in Connecticut. I went looking for it online in a fit of nostalgia and -- of course!-- it turned up on YouTube. Doesn't everything musical eventually pop up there?


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Blessed Solstice
...and all that jazz!

Whoever or whatever you believe in, however you celebrate this end of the year, have a memorable and magical time. Make the most of it you wonderful people out there in the dark. Let us hope and pray that in 2022 we will finally be free from the shadowy spectre of the viral villain that has haunted us for two full years.


  1. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, John.

    1. Thanks, Brian. All the best to you an your family, too.

  2. Merry Christmas and a better New Year. Thanks for all the suggestions, I picked up The Listening House, I shouldn't have but I started reading it, a curious book indeed and One I am enjoying.

    Thanks again and good luck to everyone.


    1. Enjoy your holidays, Wayne! We had our celebration today (dec 26) on Boxing Day! A little Victorian nod to the servants of the past.

  3. Wishing you the very merriest, happiest, bookiest of Christmases. This blog played a roll in the book selection given me, thanks to the good ol’ wish list. Be well, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Rick. This was the first year I submitted a wish list of books to Joe. I expected one or two. But he bought every single one -- seven books -- including the thick tome that makes up Patricia Highsmith's diary and letters. I was more than happy.

  4. Replies
    1. Excellent! Looks like that was a popular book on Christmas lists of people who read this blog. All the best to you and your family.

  5. I hope you were able to enjoy Christmas, despite that viral villain, and best wishes for 2022!

    Good to see people are finally catching on to the reprint of The Listening House.

    1. Just like Scrooge I headed to my nephew’s place out in a beautifully situated suburb about a ten minute drive from our Chicago apartment. He and his girlfriend are the best people to spend holidays with. House full of animals and laughter. Hope your Christmas was just as splendid, TomCat. Here’s to a healthy and book filled 2022!

  6. Belated Merry Christmas John, hope it was a grand day for you and yours. A Happy New Year coming up? We can only hope. :) Take good care of yourself. Hugs.

  7. A strange coincidence. One of your nominations for Kate's ROY award invariably comes third !

  8. I should like to thank you for introducing me to my favourite book of 2021 A Case for Solomon. I nominated it for Kate Jackson's ROY poll and was delighted to see it come fourth behind your Berkeley nomination. I hope more people will be encouraged to read the series.

    With best wishes for 2022.

  9. A very happy 2022, John.
