
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

FOUND BOUND: Sherlockians Take Note

While researching an obscure book and the opinions it received at the time of its original publication I serendipitously discovered the following quiz in a 1951 issue of The Saturday Review. If you truly know your Sherlock Holmes according to Doyle then dare to take the literary quiz below.

The story of how the quiz was created and how the editors received it is almost better than the quiz itself!

I cannot resist making this a true contest. CONTEST NOW CLOSED.

The Great Detective by illustrator Frank Wiles
I will confess that this is one type of mystery quiz I will never pass. I never bothered to learn the Holmes stories inside and out. I knew the answer to exactly one. Sad, isn't it? (It was #6, by the way, which I think everyone will know.) I know there is at least one brilliant reader of the Canon who knows not only the character names but the stories themselves. Go on and prove me right. I know you're out there.

Answers will be posted on Saturday, June 7. First three people with the highest scores will be named winners. A prize list of vintage paperbacks and review copies of new books I recently reviewed will be sent to each winner and they can pick what they want. This contest is open to all regardless of where you live.

Good luck!


  1. John, I wouldn't dare take a Holmes quiz and especially not one involving children in his stories. I read Doyle a long time ago and except for an occasional short story, I have read nothing more by the author. This was an interesting discovery.

  2. What an awesome quiz! Most of these I recognize, but I did re-read the Canon recently, so big shocker there. Still, this is one of the more interesting Sherlockian trivia quizzes I've seen.

    1. Patrick! I thought the Canadian colleges swallowed you up. So good to see you still visit this lonely place out in cyberspace. I'm not at all surprised if you scored in the high range of this quiz.

  3. I think I have them all, although I'm not 100% sure of the correct last name of #4, and have sent them via e-mail. May I take this opportunity to dedicate my efforts to my late friend Greg Kramer, polymath and Sherlockian enthusiast, who died in 2013 on the eve of the beginning of rehearsals of his adaptation of "Sherlock Holmes" for Jay Baruchel in a Montreal theatre. He would have loved this quiz!

    1. So far it's looking very good for you, Noah. :^D How sad about your friend and his play. Never to see it performed after all the work and waiting... It's a lovely tribute to him.

  4. There are a few where I recognize the scenario, but none where I could tell you a name. Maybe it's time to read the canon again. Neat find!

  5. Sent you the answers. Now keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for an interesting challenge.
