
Monday, January 28, 2013

The Terrible Two

This blog now officially enters its third year. I missed posting about the second anniversary for this blog's birth which occurred Jan 26. It wasn't too terrible this second year of the blog. Less posts, more followers. Passing the milestone 300th post and the 100,000th first time visitor. (It was probably a Google image search.) An astonishing 116 books read but only 75% of those books reviewed here. Plus -- acknowledgement by several readers as being a blog worthy enough for one of those badge awards. Not bad at all.

Thanks to all of you who continue to stop by regularly whether you comment or not. I am constantly surprised how this tiny corner of cyberspace has become a cult favorite with vintage mystery lovers, crime and horror movie fans, and spam referral services. Well, not so surprised by that last group for whom I have some choice words none of which include thank you. But I'll spare the rest of you an R rated tirade. I close with a simple "Happy Belated Birthday to Pretty Sinister Books!"


  1. John: Happy Blog Day or Blogaversary or Birthday or whatever the commonly accepted term is for blogs. I hope you have many more such days. I enjoy reading your posts.

  2. And you just had to paste that intriguing book cover written by a writer I have no idea about!

    Congrats. Here's to many more years of success.

    1. Lange Lewis is coming soon to this blog! Soon you can say you DO know something about her.

  3. Happy Blogiversary, John! Three lovely years of Pretty Sinister Books. And I am pleased as all get out to say that I have already ready The Birthday Murder a couple of years ago. Look forward to your review!

  4. Congratulations, John! It has been a pleasure knowing you through your blog and your excellent choice and review of books that often leaves me scratching my head.

  5. Happy Blogoversary, John! Very pleased to have made your - and your blog's - acquaintance last year. Looking forward to reading more fascinating posts in the months and years to come!

  6. Oh go on: give us an R-rated tirade! Happy anniversary, John. Keep up the excellent work!

  7. Yes, keep up the good work, it's much enjoyed.

  8. Has it really only been two years? Such are the riches that I thought it was much longer. Congratulations, John. Well done!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to Pretty Sinister Books from me as well, John. I think you were one of the first bloggers I warmed up to from the very beginning and see how it has paid off. I am now in possession of a gigantic list of books I've never read even though I always considered myself supremely well-versed in vintage mysteries. Very intimidating but in a nice way. That's what I like about you, John. Very intimidating, but in a nice way. Ha.

    I love that you love what you do and what you read and it's very obvious in your wonderful reviews.

    This will be my fourth year (give or take a few months) operating my blog and I really must remember to celebrate sometime in the summer.

    In the meantime, CONGRATS, m'dear.

  10. Well, I was under the impression that I had left a comment, but I guess I must have closed the tab before it went through.

    John, congrats on the anniversary. It's really been tremendous fun reading along for the last two years, and I hope many more years are ahead of us! But you're a very dangerous fellow -- I find myself looking up many of the books you blog about on the west side of the Internet. :)

  11. Congrats! Looking forward to another year of your terrific blog!

  12. Apologies for the delay in wishing you good wishes for your third anniversary John - life wouldn't be half as good with Pretty Sinister Books, and that's a fact chum.

    All the very best.

