
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

There & Back Again

The winners of the "Challenge to the Reader" Trivia Contest will be posted later this evening. I was away from Dec 14 - Dec 17 in New York City for my big blast of a birthday bash. We saw five plays in three days including the fabulously fun Mystery of Edwin Drood, ate at three amazing restaurants, avoided Guy Fieri's Times Square tourist trap, saw a musical version of The Silence of the Lambs that was hysterical and filthy, talked with Ed Asner and got his autograph, took Paul Rudd's picture by the stage door of the Cort Theater, and tried our best to avoid the insanity of SantaCon. Go here if you are clueless about that bizarre urban holiday "festivity".  Reviews of the plays I saw will appear in "Stage Blood" posts in the coming days.

The contest was easier this year and I was hoping for an increase in participants. Just the opposite happened. I was disappointed by the very low number of entrants. This will most likely be the second and final trivia contest. More anon...


  1. Happy birthday, John! Sounds like you had an excellent time.

    1. And I'm looking forward to your play reviews. I asked a co-worker who's pretty up on pop culture and recent movies/plays/etc. if she knew about The Silence of the Lambs musical....she's intrigues and weirded out all at the same time.

      And....I hope you don't give up on the trivia contest. I love it. I think this year was a down blogging year in a lot of ways for a lot of us. I know I didn't get out and look at all the reviews for the Vintage Reading Challenge like I did in the past...hoping to fix that next year.

  2. Yes, Happy Birthday. I'll be looking forward to the Tales of the Trip. I didn't try for the contest because I just don't know enough about the topic.

  3. Happy Birthday, John !
    Do not give up! And it is not true that it was easy. Do not you wonder if the number has been more mixed than you aspected just because more difficult? Not all those who read blogs, they are specialists, John, you should know. Each one of us is in a field, but it is not said that we are in all.

  4. Happy birthday John - and apologies too as I got halfway through the contest but then family entanglements reared their head at just the wrong moment (to give you some idea of how mad it was this year, we celebrated Christmas day on December 16th as most of the family (not me though) will now be in Australia on the 25th ...).

    I'd be really sorry if you didn't run it again given all the trouble you went to - I appreciated it tremendously and I'm just sorry I couldn't submit in time. Maybe it was too near Christmas for others too ...

  5. Happy Birthday! Your trip to New York sounds wonderful. You packed alot into a few days. I hope you did not wear yourself out.

  6. A belated Happy Birthday, John! Here's wishing you and your family a great year ahead.

  7. Thanks for all your B-day wishes, everyone. Wish I could've stayed through the rest of the month! We had one of our best visits to the city ever.
