
Sunday, December 2, 2012

JACKET REQUIRED: Frosty Wind Made Moan

After a few weeks of relatively balmy late fall weather the temperatures are finally plummeting, frigid wind is blowing off Lake Michigan and it's only December 2. We may not be in the bleak midwinter just yet but it sure feels like it in my neck of the woods. Fittingly, today I post a few mystery novel versions of the approaching season of ice and snow and high heating bills.

Click to enlarge each photo for better detail.


  1. Love seeing the jackets...especially Ice Before Killing. Have you read Blood Upon the Snow? I've got (and read) that one in a paperback edition. Decent, I thought, but nothing extraordinary.

    (We're still balmy here in B-town. Personally, a little winter weather would be nice to start the Christmas season feelings....72 degrees--predicted for tomorrow--just ain't right for December.)

    1. We're back to balmy, Bev. Yesterday turned out to be insanely warm. People were walking around in shorts. The cold weather was only in the very early morning when I was putting together the post. Looks like I jumped the gun on this winter post.

  2. Yes, ICE BEFORE KILLING is the pick of the lot. None of these writers are familiar to me though I have heard of Samuel Rogers the poet who can't possibly be the author of YOU LEAVE ME COLD! Good jackets all round.

    1. Ice Before Killing is the only figure skating mystery I've found from the era I love the most: 1920 - 1950. Crimson Ice is a hockey mystery and there are quite a few of those. These are all from my personal collection, but I've only read the Hilda Lawrence book.

  3. Great covers...oh, and I had to run my air conditioner yesterday as we were in the 80s here in southeast Louisiana.

  4. That Strobel jacket looks like something Tim Burton might have come up with, had be been around back then.
